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Post-event discussions

May 2019

Hari Buku Nasional:

Review Buku-Buku! 

Lihat review-review buku kesayangan para #Becomers, khusus untuk Hari Buku Nasional! "That's the things about books. They let you travel without moving your feet" (Anon) & dengan itu, BecomeMore pengen banget kalian semua lebih giat untuk membuka buku, mungkin bisa dimulai dari buku-buku ini...

February 2019

Becomer of the Month:

Gita Sjahrir, Co-Founder & CEO of Ride Jakarta

Becomer of the Month untuk Februari 2019 jatuh kepada Gita Sjahrir, yaitu Co-Founder & CEO of Ride Jakarta! Seru banget lihat Gita menjadi inspirasi, walaupun dengan challenge penyakit serta ditolak investor sana-sini, hingga akhirnya sukses membuat sport studio nya sendiri! Head over to view the results of our interview!

January 2019

Becomer of the Month:

Aktsa Effendy, Co-Founder & CEO of MejaKita

Becomer of the Month untuk Februari 2019 jatuh kepada Aktsa Effendy, yaitu Co-Founder & CEO of MejaKita! Head over to view the results of our interview!

July 2018

BecomeMore x MejaKita:

Gathering: "Discussing roles of youth in tackling waste management and lack of access for the disabled in Indonesia"

During the summer program of BecomeMore, the participants and MejaKita team came together and discussed roles of youth in tackling social and environmental issues in Indonesia based on SDGs! Want to know what we came up with? 

Juni 2019

BecomeMore Membership Discussion

"Krisis Sudan"

Diskusi membership kali ini BecomeMore membahas isu isu yang terjadi di sudan. Yuk! Langsung lihat hasil disuksinya.

Juli 2019

BecomeMore Membership Discussion

"Movie Remake & Book Adaptation"

Yuk lihat hasil diksusi membership mengenai remake movie into life actions and book adapted into movie! 

February 2019

Becomer of the Month:

Alfatih Timur, Co-Founder & CEO of

Becomer of the Month untuk Februari 2019 jatuh kepada Alfatih Timur, yaitu Co-Founder & CEO of! Head over to view the results of our interview!

September 2018

BecomeMore #ShareMore Coffee Talk:

"The Role of Youths to Tackle Challenges in reaching Quality Education in Indonesia"

During BecomeMore's #ShareMore Coffee Talk: Quality Education, the participants of the coffee talk came together and discussed the challenges and experiences in gender equality with Ibu Elaa, education pioneer as the speaker. No worries if you didn't make it, view our notes from the talk to know more about it!

April 2018

BecomeMore x KudetaMag:

BecomeMore than just a Month!

BecomeMore than just a Month is a newsletter created by BecomeMore team x KudetaMag to share information regarding upcoming opportunities, provide inspiration and get your determination rolling!

Desember 2019

BecomeMore #ShareMore Coffee Talk

"Finding Your Ikagai"

During BecomeMore's #ShareMore Coffee Talk: Finding Your Ikagai, the participants of the coffee talk came together and discussed their experiences and how to find their passion with Bukalapak Founder as the spaeaker. No worries if you didn't make it, view our notes from the talk to know more about it!

March 2019

BecomeMore Member Online (Whatsapp) Discussion:

Ujian Nasional Dihapuskan?

Lihat hasil diskusi Member BecomeMore, para pemuda-pemudi Indonesia mengenai debat yang sangat panas saat itu, "Ujian Nasional, dihapuskan atau tidak?"

January 2019

BecomeMore Member Online (Whatsapp) Discussion:

Mental Health

Lihat hasil diskusi Member BecomeMore, para pemuda-pemudi Indonesia mengenai pentingnya mental health.

July 2018

BecomeMore #ShareMore Coffee Talk:

Gender Equality in Indonesia

During BecomeMore's #ShareMore Coffee Talk: Gender Equality, the participants of the coffee talk came together and discussed the challenges and experiences in gender equality with Hollaback Founder as the spaeaker. No worries if you didn't make it, view our notes from the talk to know more about it!

January 2018

BecomeMore Conference 2018:

"Abad kedua puluh satu, untuk siapa?"

#BecomeMore, dalam Bahasa #BecomeMore terdiri dari 3 pidato (talks), serta 4 panel yang mengangkat isu-isu di abad kedua puluh satu, serta keterampilan yang harus dimiliki pemuda pada abad keduapuluh satu. #BecomeMore dengan menyajikan individu-individu yang patut dijadikan role model, membekali peserta dengan keterampilan dan informasi baru (negosiasi, komunikasi, dll), serta memberikan peserta kesempatan untuk mengutarakan opini dan pendapat, diharapkan dapat menjadi acara yang menginspirasi para anak muda Indonesia untuk menjadi lebih.

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